Understanding vocal technique & voice science, understanding your students, and finally understanding what your own singing teacher was banging on about

What you'll discover

Unit 1 - Finding out what a vocal exercises does (and doesn't) do. Real life examples of exercises from real singing teachers

Unit 2 - The breathing mechanism - what it does, how to control it, how to apply in singing. breath management, timing & so much more

Unit 3 - How the vocal folds vibrate. Vibration modes, understanding vocal registers & breaks, analysing industry performances

Unit 4 - Resonance! Nasality, mapping your tongue positions, finding your vowels & consonants, seeing examples with MRI video

Unit 5 - The job of a singing teacher, creating accurate lesson plans, analysing real lessons, the "brain dump" method


"Wow! A wealth of knowledge shared clearly, which detailed many aspects of vocal teaching and the voice.

I am ready to take the next step in my creative practice. Excellent!"


"It was great to go in depth with the breathing techniques and I really enjoyed the counting exercise.

The training was extremely well formatted & laid out.

A must for every vocal teacher!"


"This training was important to me building my confidence as a singing teacher. Linking physiology to diagnosis and problem solving.

Eye opening and the start of a world of new learning. Thank you for reigniting my passion for teaching."

What is included?

NEW! Now includes regular check-ins with the course leaders

Over 60 targeted teaching videos (from 3 minutes to 22 minutes)

Every video is subtitled for easy understanding

Every video is available as a transcript

Multiple course resources including the famous Build Your Own Larynx template

Access is included to our two hour-long CPD Webinars on How We Diagnose
(Webinar 1 - Client Profile, and Webinar 2 - Vocal Technique)

Content and images from our #1 bestselling This Is A Voice book

The vowel box cutout from Gillyanne's bestselling Singing and the Actor book

Examples of MRI footage showing vowels and consonants from the inside

Video of the soft palate from inside the nose, from Jeremy's How Does Your Voice Work video created for London's Science Museum

Examples of industry performances for analysis

Video footage of "breakout sessions" showing real singing teachers working through our exercises and sharing their thoughts and comments - relatable to your studio

A minimum of 12 hours of CPD Certificates included at no extra cost

Example Curriculum

  Unit 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Webinar 1 - How We Diagnose: Client Profile
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Webinar 2 - How We Diagnose: Vocal Technique
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A September 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A July 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teacher Pathway and Learning Lounge Q&A May 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teacher Pathway Live Seminar March 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teacher Pathway Live Seminar February 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Who we are

We are Dr Gillyanne Kayes (singing voice specialist) and Jeremy Fisher (vocal & performance coach).

We're both avid tea drinkers - Gillyanne loves builder's tea and first flush Darjeeling, Jeremy's a black-tea-no-sugar Ceylon drinker, but his favourite tea-du-jour is Royal Blend from Fortnum & Mason in London.

We've co-taught for more than 25 years all over the world.

We've written 11 books on vocal technique,
including five Amazon #1 bestsellers.

We've been creating vocal training resources since 2004, including courses, DVDs, CDs, ebooks, the Build Your Own Larynx template and most recently the amazing online Learning Lounge with over 600 voice training resources.

We love helping people find and share their truth as teachers and performers.
